
Thursday, 15 January 2009

What a Grey Day

Just to make up for my very early morning yesterday, lol, I permitted my self to have I lie in today. I didn't get out of bed till gone 11 o'clock and then had a nice long soak in the bath, though I must admit I never thought I'd get in a bath again after watching the Christmas episode of Jonathan Creek!

Mum and Dad bought me some lovely smellies for Christmas, the ones I'm using at the moment are by Soap & Glory and I love them! I would highly recommend them to anyone and everyone. They make your skin fell really soft and they all smell great.

Soap & Glory products

After I had finished "pruning" myself, as Matt calls it, we went for a quick walk along Shanklin seafront. I must admit we did cheat a little bit by driving down and parking on the revetment, but it was gone 2 o'clock when we left the flat and I wanted to be at Mum's by 3. The wind was extremely cold and even Matt found it too cold,which is definitely saying something because he's still wearing shorts! We must have looked a right pair as I had multiple jumpers and a coat on, as well as hat, scarf and gloves!

I got some cracking photo's, though when I get a job I think I might start saving for a decent camera, as they never come out as well as I would like them to on my phone camera.

It was quite rough today, I think, don't quote me on this though, it was a force 7, but I wasn't paying much attention to the weather forecast. In some places the waves where even splashing up onto the revetment even though the tide hadn't fully come in!

Shanklin Seafront

Waves crashing over a slipway in Shanklin

Looking back to the Stink-Pot, Shanklin seafront

We didn't stay out long as it was just far too cold! So I dropped Matt back off at the flat and then made my way to Mum's, dropping in at Lidls first to pickup some mince meat for her. Poor Mum had had a rather frustrating day at work and being woken up at stupid o'clock this morning by my Auntie didn't help. She very kindly phoned them to say that my Nan had been admitted into hospital again, I don't really know what she expected Dad to say or do as we live about 250 miles away from each other! You would have thought she could have waited a little bit longer and called them at a decent hour, I know I would have probably hung up on her if she had disturbed my sleep, but hey that's just me. Oh well I know her hearts in the right place.

Once Elena was in from school and had got herself ready we set off for Newport. We parked at Dad's work- beats paying car park fees- and walked down to the cinema.

Mum very kindly gave us a bogof voucher she'd got from McDonald's and the money to pay for the other ticket as well as some drinks and sweets. Elena and I were the only people in the screen it was brilliant, like having your very own home theatre!

We watched Bedtime Stories, the new Disney movie with Adam Sandler. Who looks exactly like Rich a lad I used to work with!


Adam Sandler

The film was great, full of laughs, a definite must see. We also saw a couple of ads for a few new films that look really good, well when I say a couple of ads we actually watched 20 minutes of them before the film got going! One of them was for The Secret of Moonacre starring Dakota Blue Richards, the girl out of The Golden Compass, I also really want to the new Brendon Fraser film Inkheart, and I can't wait for Angels and Demons to come out, but according to IMDb it's not due to be released in the UK until the 15th of May! What are they playing at?!?

Cineworld in Newport

Elena very kindly took a picture of the cinema advertising Bedtime Stories for me as my camera just wasn't up to the job, thanks Elena xxx.

We went back to Mum and Dad's for tea, lasagna yum, I feel just like Garfield I love lasagna I think it's got to be one of my favourite pasta dishes.

Mum and Dad have been clearing out their kitchen cupboards ready for their new appliances and it's brill because anything they don't want any more comes my way, so I came home with a bag full of goodies tonight, including freeze blocks which will be brill for the summer at the yacht club.

Now I'm back at home listening to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and thinking I should really go to bed as it's almost midnight. Well bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. ROFL pruning myself :O) Tell Matt I love it!! I'm pleased you love the soap & glory stuff. It does look nice too in your photo.

    Your talents are wasted, you can write so well. I didn't want the post to end it's brilliant. Keep up the good work, it makes me feel like you're still with us (if you know what I mean).

    Wow look at Rich & Adam Sandler, they do look alike don't they.

    We never did pin Dad down to a date to see Inkheart did we. We'll have to remedy that.

    OMG at Matt walking in shorts. He's as bad as Dad. I usually look like I'm on an expodition to the Artic lol, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Your hat is a bit more fashionable than my 'Helga' hat though. It really suits you :O)

    Thanks for taking Elena she loved it.

    Right I'm off to work for another exciting episode ~ wish me luck ;O) Love ya xXxXx
