I had a great time shopping with Mum and Elena yesterday. Mum bought me a lovely soft "highlighter pink" hoodie from New Look and I bought myself some brown boots, they go really well with my beige trousers and look fab with jeans.
After watching Big Chef takes on Little Chef I have really fancied some scrambled egg, so for tea tonight Matt made some, with a little bit of cheese and marmite on toast, yummy!
It was the final episode of the Little Chef program as well tonight. Heston came back, got the Popham branch refurbished and ready to run.I'm very happy to say it did really well, everyone loved the food and the decor was great, they even had singing toilets and urinals! The idiot at head office has said that he'll review whats happening and whether or not it'll be rolled out to all branches after 3 months!!
I spent about 6 hours at Age Concern today (wearing my new boots). I found out that all Age Concerns are registered as local charities, meaning all the money they raise in their area they get to keep, so all the money the island raises stays on the island, how cool is that. They provide 9 essential services to the islands elderly and need to raise a further £140,000 to carry on. In order to do this they have come up with the idea of "Be a silver star day", they are trying to get businesses and schools involved in some sort of mufti day where people wear something silver.So today I was helping Ellen sort out who would take part.
After having some lunch back at the flat Matt and i decided that we'd go for a walk along the beach. We went down Fisherman's steps and this time instead of turning left towards Sandown we headed right towards Luccombe. We went around the point and up and up some wooden steps where Matt showed me an amazing waterfall. We carried on up some steps made of mainly mud and a bit of wood. Through Luccombe woods and then back down to the flat, it sounds quite a short way, but it really wasn't and walking up muddy steep steps almost killed me, I thought Matt might have to carry me back, lol.

Went round Mum and Dad's at for 10 o'clock today to take delivery of their new fridge/ freezer. Thought I'd have a quick shower while I was there, as its lovely and warm and powerful, which beats the cold drip at the flat hands down. Had to leave the bathroom door open though as I was really worried the delivery guys would turn up.
I waited till 1 o'clock and thought I'd make myself some lunch, managed to make it to the kitchen when they actually turned up! Sod's law or what. Lol. Well it was certainly a bit of a palaver trying to get it in the house. Eventually, after a few phone calls to Dad, we put it in the conservatory. When I opened the patio doors one of the blokes looked in and said "Hey love, I think you've got a bit of a problem... I think your bird's are dead!" In the corner Mum and Dad have got a lovely cage two pot budgies in.
After having some soup for our tea Mum, Dad, Elena and I made our way to Red Funnel in Cowes. Then made our way up to Auntie Claire's, 250 miles inn Derbyshire. We arrives there around 10.30 ish , and soon went to bed as we were all shattered.
It has been raining quite a lot on the island, this picture was taken rinning down the curb from our driveway
We went to see Nana-Jean in hospital today, she looked well, tiered but well. We stayed there for 2 hours and then on our way back to Auntie Claire's we popped in at Sainsburys. It was huge, they even sold clothes! Mum and Dad got Nana some books as she had finished all the ones she had with her and was rather board.
After having some pizza we went back to see Nana for an hour, well we got to stay a bit longer as one of the ladies who had kept everyone else awake the previous night had died whilst we there in the afternoon, and she was still there when we left that evening!
On our way home we picked up a Chinese for our tea.
Sunday, 25th January 2009
Dad woke us up this morning so we could get ready to go back home. We set off at 10.30 and by 12 o'clock we were at Teresa's!
Teresa made us a lovely cup of tea and some hot cross buns, we all had a good old natter, and at 1.30 got back in the bus to travel back down to the island. When we were stood in the kitchen Max came in with my glasses on upside down, he's so cute.
I managed to forget my sunglasses, I didn't realise until about an hour later when the sun was shining in my eyes! Teresa is very kindly sending them back down to me.
We got the 6 o'clock ferry back and on our way home picked up the Indian I had ordered, banquet night at Taj Tandoori, you get a starter and main meal with either rice or naan bread all for £8.50, bargain! Matt met us back at Mum and Dad's, it was really nice to see him as I'd missed him so much. I know we only spent 2 nights apart, but it was really weird not waking up next to him.
Monday, 26th January 2009
8 o'clock this morning Matt dropped me off at Mum and Dad's so I could get a lift into Newport as I was going to spend a few hours at Age Concern again. Ellen was going to a couple of schools today- Sandown High being one of them, Elena's school- to give an assembly, so I finished around 12.30. Today I updated her spreadsheet of all the people she had contacted.
Whilst waiting for Matt to come pick me up I had a wander around the shops. Which is horrible when you have no money as your always guaranteed to find really nice things, well I thought I was very good, I only bought a book. There's a new film coming out on the 6th February, it's called The Secret of Moonacre, and it's based on a book called The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge. I think it's along the same genre as Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling is even quoted on the cover saying how she adored the book.
Didn't really do much fro the rest of the day as I felt really tiered.
Tuesday, 27th January 2009
I fancied some scrambled egg on marmite on toast this morning, but we had run out of margarine, and I've found that marmite is a real pig to spread on toast with out butter. So I thought I'd pop down the shop and get some, only when I got into Shanklin did I realise that I had forgotten my door key to the flat, and it's on one of those automatic locks! Matt was in but he hadn't slept well the last couple of nights so he was still in bed and his mobile in the other room. I don't think I've ever known anyone so difficult to wake up, but once he's asleep that's it, he's out of it! There could be an earth quake and I don't think he'd wake up. Wish I was like that, all though Mum is much worse than I am.Lol.
So I thought I'd go to Tesco's get the butter and some soup for tea tonight. I text Matt to say when he got my message to phone me and then went to Mum and Dad's. Mum was just coming up the road as I put my laptop back in the car, so I spent a bit of time with her, had a cup of tea and a chat.
Once back at the flat I read a few books. I read The Tales of Beedle the Bard and 2 and a bit books of the Spiderwick Chronicles.
Wednesday, 28th January 2009
I opened the front door this morning to find it was really foggy, I thought I'd take a leaf out of Mum's book and get some pic's of the island in all the fog. So on my way to the job centre in Ryde I drove round the boating lake, usually from Ryde you get a cracking view of the mainland, no such luck today, you could just about make out Ryde Pier!
In the job centre I bumped into Lyn P, who left Woolies in the summer to work at the job centre, Kerry and one of the Sue's from Shanklin. Kerry told me that Laura, another lady we used to work with who left last year to move to the mainland, is coming down to the island on Monday to meet up with everyone, so I might go and meet up with them.
In my wisdom I thought I'd drive up Culver on my way home to get some more picture's. Well the fog was even worse up there, I could barley see where I was going!
Popped into Mum and Dad's again today, where Nana and GrandJack were supposed to be bringing Jack and Jordanna round to see us, but for some reason they didn't, they didn't even mention it! Had a letter on the side when I got in, my last pay slip and P45 from Woolworths!
Mum and I talked a bit about her upcoming holiday to the Maldives, I hope they have a great time.
Love all your photos, the ones of Max have turned out really well haven't they :O)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sorting out the fridge/freezer for us, we really appreciate it xXx
Right I'm off to work now, speak to you later :O)
Love you oodles & oodles or spaghetti noodles xXx