We're living in a lovely area at the moment, just up the road from Rylstone Gardens, and about a 5 minute walk from Fisherman's steps, which takes you down on to the beach, unfortunately they are a little bit steep and today quite slippy, luckily I was sensible and put my lovely big No Fear boots on.
As we were walking towards the Fisherman's Cottage we saw Katie, one of the girls from Woolies, and Simon taking photo's and "killing time2 before her driving lesson.
Shanklin seafront
We as far as Little Stairs, where we saw Melvyn Hayes, the man from Summer Holiday and the Young Ones, and decided that we wanted some lunch and a nice drink so we headed back. All of the seafront is nice and flat, and we were fine until we got back to Fisherman's steps which was when I found out that I am completely unfit! My breathing was fine but my hips were on fire by the time we got to the top, lol!
The place we are living in at the moment comes with free Internet access, all we have to do is go to the main house every 2 weeks to get a new slip that gives us our user name and password. Whilst I was waiting for Miles to print me one off I decided to take a photo of their gremlin that's next to their front door , I love it!
After lunch we thought we'd have a quick trip into Newport to have a look at the boats along the Quay side. There were some lovely ones there, and some not so lovely ones, they're all out of the water at the moment to be cleaned and prepped for the summer, it was certainly a sight, unfortunately me phone battery died so I couldn't take any pic's, oh well will have to go again.
Well that's about it for today, going to go and read through some leaflets I got from the lady at Next step on Saturday, as I have a meeting with her tomorrow, and get to sign on for the first time- joyous, hopefully we'll come up with some good ideas so I can sign off sharpish!
Oooo I was walking along with you :O) LOVE the photos they are brill and good luck tomorrow. Don't forget to take some photos of inside & outside your flat cos you'll not get the chance after you leave. Speak to you soon sweetie, love you lots xXx