We went into Shanklin today to get the car tax, these things always come round so quick don't they!
Nana and GrandJack have been really helpful, everyone has, it's always nice to have a great family behind you to keep you going. Over Christmas Nana & GrandJack gave Matt and me £25 worth of Morrisons stamps as well as chocolate and money for Christmas. GrandJack had also asked Mum to spend the money she'd spend on his Christmas present on car tax stamps for me instead, how kind is that! Mum got me £20 of saver stamps, and bought GrandJack a Christmas pressie, she's so cool.
Matt went into the post office to get the car tax, armed with Mum & GrandJack's saver stamps which was a great help, and I popped into the bank. The woman I spoke to was really lovely, when she found out I had been made redundant she got really upset and suggested I make an appointment with the bank manager to see if he could suggest any thing to help us out.
We went to Mum and Dad's whilst waiting for my 3 o'clock appointment at the bank. No one was in but I wanted to be nosy and have a look at the fridge freezer and have a nice cool drink of water with ice cubes- all thanks to the fridge freezer- it looks fab.
When we got there the woman next door was in the process of filling up a couple of cars with different bits and bobs, and not long after she had gone 3 removal vans turned up. I assumed they were for her, but she didn't come back, the only person I saw turn up was a lad on a push bike who looked younger than Elena! Mum came in just after 2 when a couple more blokes turned up and started unpacking the vans! They looked quite chavy, but I know you shouldn't judge book by it's cover.
About 2.40 Matt and I headed off to the bank where I spoke to the manager and he suggested a few things that might help us out.
Before going back to the flat we went to Morrisons, Matt went in and I stayed in the car as I really couldn't be bothered to move and for some reason felt in a bit of a bad mood. Matt had been gone about 5 minutes when I heard a noise, I turned round to see and old man driving an estate car, with his wife, pull into the space next to me. He seemed to just force the car into the space instead of straightening up, and scraped the side of my car in the process!
So I got out, went round to the drivers side and had a look at the damage whilst trying to keep my temper. The couple got out of the car and walked off, not even a backwards glance let alone an apology! Well that really annoyed me, I know if I had driven into his car and gone to walk off they would have gone up the wall with the usual "the youth of today".
Completely losing all self control now I phoned Matt, crying my eyes out, to tell him what had happened. He ended up having to phone Mum to see if she could get any sense out of me as I was in such a state!
It's not that I wanted to claim on the man's insurance or anything (unless he'd been really horrible about it), as nearly every panel of my car has some sort of dent in it, and not all of them due to me, (even the steering wheel looks naff. It went off for no reason whilst Matt was driving it a few weeks ago. Luckily he managed to pull over and only came out of it with a swollen lip, where he'd had his hand on the wheel, the force of the explosion made his hand fly up and punch himself, I know I shouldn't but rofpml. We took it to the Toyota garage where he said it would cost us over £300 to have a new one fitted, which is what I paid for the car in the first place, but it wasn't compulsory to do so) it was that they hadn't apologised to me.
The couple eventually came out, Matt showed them what had happened, and the man was really sorry, he hadn't notice it happen. Him apologising calmed me down a bit so we just left it.
Matt took me back to Mum's to let her know what had happened. When we got in Elena told us that the lad I'd seen come in on the push bike was in the same year as her and was the school bully!!!
Mum had a phone call from Lisa about 5.15 to say that her and Liam were on the fast cat, so her and Elena went to pick them up. Matt and I went back home to have some tea. After tea I carried on my book.
I only put my book down to watch Gorden Ramsey's British kitchen Nightmares, it was great but I really don't know how he has the patience to put up with these people, some of them really don't deserve the business, but he always cracks them and gets their business booming. His USA version starts next week I can't wait.
Anyway I'm off to bed now. night night.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Age Concern
Off to Newport again this morning to do a few hours at Age Concern. Today I was emailing all the information about Silver Star to different schools on the island, adding any new contacts Ellen had acquired into her address book and updating their spreadsheet. I'm going back on Tuesday to sort out my application to be a volunteer, then they can start giving me petrol money.
We'd popped into Morrisons yesterday when I bumped into one of the teaching assistants from Sandown High, Mrs Lowish- she also helped out at Lake middle when I was there, then moved over to Sandown high the same time as me, she's really lovely and will always stop and have a chat- she told me that Sandown are having a mufti day for Age Concern this Friday, Elena had also told me earlier that day.
Matt picked me up at 2 o'clock and we went back home for some much needed lunch. For the rest of the day I read some more books, as I really couldn't be bothered to do anything else. I've now finished The Spiderwick Chronicles, Mum bought them for me for Christmas and I was positive there were only 4 books, had even looked it up on the internet, but now I've read them there is a 5th one, aargh! I might see if I can read it online or pop into the library perhaps. They are good and a bit different to the film, but very quick to read. I've just started The Little White Horse, which so far seems really good, but I think this one will take me a bit longer to read.
We'd popped into Morrisons yesterday when I bumped into one of the teaching assistants from Sandown High, Mrs Lowish- she also helped out at Lake middle when I was there, then moved over to Sandown high the same time as me, she's really lovely and will always stop and have a chat- she told me that Sandown are having a mufti day for Age Concern this Friday, Elena had also told me earlier that day.
Matt picked me up at 2 o'clock and we went back home for some much needed lunch. For the rest of the day I read some more books, as I really couldn't be bothered to do anything else. I've now finished The Spiderwick Chronicles, Mum bought them for me for Christmas and I was positive there were only 4 books, had even looked it up on the internet, but now I've read them there is a 5th one, aargh! I might see if I can read it online or pop into the library perhaps. They are good and a bit different to the film, but very quick to read. I've just started The Little White Horse, which so far seems really good, but I think this one will take me a bit longer to read.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Catch Up
Wednesday, 21st January 2009
I had a great time shopping with Mum and Elena yesterday. Mum bought me a lovely soft "highlighter pink" hoodie from New Look and I bought myself some brown boots, they go really well with my beige trousers and look fab with jeans.
After watching Big Chef takes on Little Chef I have really fancied some scrambled egg, so for tea tonight Matt made some, with a little bit of cheese and marmite on toast, yummy!
It was the final episode of the Little Chef program as well tonight. Heston came back, got the Popham branch refurbished and ready to run.I'm very happy to say it did really well, everyone loved the food and the decor was great, they even had singing toilets and urinals! The idiot at head office has said that he'll review whats happening and whether or not it'll be rolled out to all branches after 3 months!!
I spent about 6 hours at Age Concern today (wearing my new boots). I found out that all Age Concerns are registered as local charities, meaning all the money they raise in their area they get to keep, so all the money the island raises stays on the island, how cool is that. They provide 9 essential services to the islands elderly and need to raise a further £140,000 to carry on. In order to do this they have come up with the idea of "Be a silver star day", they are trying to get businesses and schools involved in some sort of mufti day where people wear something silver.So today I was helping Ellen sort out who would take part.
Steps up to Luccombe
Steps with waterfall behind them
Waterfall coming through part of the walkway
What looks like a castle tower in someones back garden
A gorgeous little thatched cottage in Luccombe woods

The thatched cottages gate
Friday, 23rd January 2009
Went round Mum and Dad's at for 10 o'clock today to take delivery of their new fridge/ freezer. Thought I'd have a quick shower while I was there, as its lovely and warm and powerful, which beats the cold drip at the flat hands down. Had to leave the bathroom door open though as I was really worried the delivery guys would turn up.
I waited till 1 o'clock and thought I'd make myself some lunch, managed to make it to the kitchen when they actually turned up! Sod's law or what. Lol. Well it was certainly a bit of a palaver trying to get it in the house. Eventually, after a few phone calls to Dad, we put it in the conservatory. When I opened the patio doors one of the blokes looked in and said "Hey love, I think you've got a bit of a problem... I think your bird's are dead!" In the corner Mum and Dad have got a lovely cage two pot budgies in.
After having some soup for our tea Mum, Dad, Elena and I made our way to Red Funnel in Cowes. Then made our way up to Auntie Claire's, 250 miles inn Derbyshire. We arrives there around 10.30 ish , and soon went to bed as we were all shattered.

Saturday, 24th January 2009
We went to see Nana-Jean in hospital today, she looked well, tiered but well. We stayed there for 2 hours and then on our way back to Auntie Claire's we popped in at Sainsburys. It was huge, they even sold clothes! Mum and Dad got Nana some books as she had finished all the ones she had with her and was rather board.
After having some pizza we went back to see Nana for an hour, well we got to stay a bit longer as one of the ladies who had kept everyone else awake the previous night had died whilst we there in the afternoon, and she was still there when we left that evening!
On our way home we picked up a Chinese for our tea.
This house is down the road from Auntie Claire, I love it, if it were on the island it would be perfect.
Sunday, 25th January 2009
Dad woke us up this morning so we could get ready to go back home. We set off at 10.30 and by 12 o'clock we were at Teresa's!
Teresa made us a lovely cup of tea and some hot cross buns, we all had a good old natter, and at 1.30 got back in the bus to travel back down to the island. When we were stood in the kitchen Max came in with my glasses on upside down, he's so cute.

I managed to forget my sunglasses, I didn't realise until about an hour later when the sun was shining in my eyes! Teresa is very kindly sending them back down to me.
We got the 6 o'clock ferry back and on our way home picked up the Indian I had ordered, banquet night at Taj Tandoori, you get a starter and main meal with either rice or naan bread all for £8.50, bargain! Matt met us back at Mum and Dad's, it was really nice to see him as I'd missed him so much. I know we only spent 2 nights apart, but it was really weird not waking up next to him.
Monday, 26th January 2009
8 o'clock this morning Matt dropped me off at Mum and Dad's so I could get a lift into Newport as I was going to spend a few hours at Age Concern again. Ellen was going to a couple of schools today- Sandown High being one of them, Elena's school- to give an assembly, so I finished around 12.30. Today I updated her spreadsheet of all the people she had contacted.
Whilst waiting for Matt to come pick me up I had a wander around the shops. Which is horrible when you have no money as your always guaranteed to find really nice things, well I thought I was very good, I only bought a book. There's a new film coming out on the 6th February, it's called The Secret of Moonacre, and it's based on a book called The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge. I think it's along the same genre as Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling is even quoted on the cover saying how she adored the book.
Didn't really do much fro the rest of the day as I felt really tiered.
Tuesday, 27th January 2009
I fancied some scrambled egg on marmite on toast this morning, but we had run out of margarine, and I've found that marmite is a real pig to spread on toast with out butter. So I thought I'd pop down the shop and get some, only when I got into Shanklin did I realise that I had forgotten my door key to the flat, and it's on one of those automatic locks! Matt was in but he hadn't slept well the last couple of nights so he was still in bed and his mobile in the other room. I don't think I've ever known anyone so difficult to wake up, but once he's asleep that's it, he's out of it! There could be an earth quake and I don't think he'd wake up. Wish I was like that, all though Mum is much worse than I am.Lol.
So I thought I'd go to Tesco's get the butter and some soup for tea tonight. I text Matt to say when he got my message to phone me and then went to Mum and Dad's. Mum was just coming up the road as I put my laptop back in the car, so I spent a bit of time with her, had a cup of tea and a chat.
Once back at the flat I read a few books. I read The Tales of Beedle the Bard and 2 and a bit books of the Spiderwick Chronicles.
Wednesday, 28th January 2009
I opened the front door this morning to find it was really foggy, I thought I'd take a leaf out of Mum's book and get some pic's of the island in all the fog. So on my way to the job centre in Ryde I drove round the boating lake, usually from Ryde you get a cracking view of the mainland, no such luck today, you could just about make out Ryde Pier!
In the job centre I bumped into Lyn P, who left Woolies in the summer to work at the job centre, Kerry and one of the Sue's from Shanklin. Kerry told me that Laura, another lady we used to work with who left last year to move to the mainland, is coming down to the island on Monday to meet up with everyone, so I might go and meet up with them.
In my wisdom I thought I'd drive up Culver on my way home to get some more picture's. Well the fog was even worse up there, I could barley see where I was going!
Popped into Mum and Dad's again today, where Nana and GrandJack were supposed to be bringing Jack and Jordanna round to see us, but for some reason they didn't, they didn't even mention it! Had a letter on the side when I got in, my last pay slip and P45 from Woolworths!
Mum and I talked a bit about her upcoming holiday to the Maldives, I hope they have a great time.
I had a great time shopping with Mum and Elena yesterday. Mum bought me a lovely soft "highlighter pink" hoodie from New Look and I bought myself some brown boots, they go really well with my beige trousers and look fab with jeans.
After watching Big Chef takes on Little Chef I have really fancied some scrambled egg, so for tea tonight Matt made some, with a little bit of cheese and marmite on toast, yummy!
It was the final episode of the Little Chef program as well tonight. Heston came back, got the Popham branch refurbished and ready to run.I'm very happy to say it did really well, everyone loved the food and the decor was great, they even had singing toilets and urinals! The idiot at head office has said that he'll review whats happening and whether or not it'll be rolled out to all branches after 3 months!!
I spent about 6 hours at Age Concern today (wearing my new boots). I found out that all Age Concerns are registered as local charities, meaning all the money they raise in their area they get to keep, so all the money the island raises stays on the island, how cool is that. They provide 9 essential services to the islands elderly and need to raise a further £140,000 to carry on. In order to do this they have come up with the idea of "Be a silver star day", they are trying to get businesses and schools involved in some sort of mufti day where people wear something silver.So today I was helping Ellen sort out who would take part.
After having some lunch back at the flat Matt and i decided that we'd go for a walk along the beach. We went down Fisherman's steps and this time instead of turning left towards Sandown we headed right towards Luccombe. We went around the point and up and up some wooden steps where Matt showed me an amazing waterfall. We carried on up some steps made of mainly mud and a bit of wood. Through Luccombe woods and then back down to the flat, it sounds quite a short way, but it really wasn't and walking up muddy steep steps almost killed me, I thought Matt might have to carry me back, lol.

Went round Mum and Dad's at for 10 o'clock today to take delivery of their new fridge/ freezer. Thought I'd have a quick shower while I was there, as its lovely and warm and powerful, which beats the cold drip at the flat hands down. Had to leave the bathroom door open though as I was really worried the delivery guys would turn up.
I waited till 1 o'clock and thought I'd make myself some lunch, managed to make it to the kitchen when they actually turned up! Sod's law or what. Lol. Well it was certainly a bit of a palaver trying to get it in the house. Eventually, after a few phone calls to Dad, we put it in the conservatory. When I opened the patio doors one of the blokes looked in and said "Hey love, I think you've got a bit of a problem... I think your bird's are dead!" In the corner Mum and Dad have got a lovely cage two pot budgies in.
After having some soup for our tea Mum, Dad, Elena and I made our way to Red Funnel in Cowes. Then made our way up to Auntie Claire's, 250 miles inn Derbyshire. We arrives there around 10.30 ish , and soon went to bed as we were all shattered.
It has been raining quite a lot on the island, this picture was taken rinning down the curb from our driveway
We went to see Nana-Jean in hospital today, she looked well, tiered but well. We stayed there for 2 hours and then on our way back to Auntie Claire's we popped in at Sainsburys. It was huge, they even sold clothes! Mum and Dad got Nana some books as she had finished all the ones she had with her and was rather board.
After having some pizza we went back to see Nana for an hour, well we got to stay a bit longer as one of the ladies who had kept everyone else awake the previous night had died whilst we there in the afternoon, and she was still there when we left that evening!
On our way home we picked up a Chinese for our tea.
Sunday, 25th January 2009
Dad woke us up this morning so we could get ready to go back home. We set off at 10.30 and by 12 o'clock we were at Teresa's!
Teresa made us a lovely cup of tea and some hot cross buns, we all had a good old natter, and at 1.30 got back in the bus to travel back down to the island. When we were stood in the kitchen Max came in with my glasses on upside down, he's so cute.
I managed to forget my sunglasses, I didn't realise until about an hour later when the sun was shining in my eyes! Teresa is very kindly sending them back down to me.
We got the 6 o'clock ferry back and on our way home picked up the Indian I had ordered, banquet night at Taj Tandoori, you get a starter and main meal with either rice or naan bread all for £8.50, bargain! Matt met us back at Mum and Dad's, it was really nice to see him as I'd missed him so much. I know we only spent 2 nights apart, but it was really weird not waking up next to him.
Monday, 26th January 2009
8 o'clock this morning Matt dropped me off at Mum and Dad's so I could get a lift into Newport as I was going to spend a few hours at Age Concern again. Ellen was going to a couple of schools today- Sandown High being one of them, Elena's school- to give an assembly, so I finished around 12.30. Today I updated her spreadsheet of all the people she had contacted.
Whilst waiting for Matt to come pick me up I had a wander around the shops. Which is horrible when you have no money as your always guaranteed to find really nice things, well I thought I was very good, I only bought a book. There's a new film coming out on the 6th February, it's called The Secret of Moonacre, and it's based on a book called The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge. I think it's along the same genre as Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling is even quoted on the cover saying how she adored the book.
Didn't really do much fro the rest of the day as I felt really tiered.
Tuesday, 27th January 2009
I fancied some scrambled egg on marmite on toast this morning, but we had run out of margarine, and I've found that marmite is a real pig to spread on toast with out butter. So I thought I'd pop down the shop and get some, only when I got into Shanklin did I realise that I had forgotten my door key to the flat, and it's on one of those automatic locks! Matt was in but he hadn't slept well the last couple of nights so he was still in bed and his mobile in the other room. I don't think I've ever known anyone so difficult to wake up, but once he's asleep that's it, he's out of it! There could be an earth quake and I don't think he'd wake up. Wish I was like that, all though Mum is much worse than I am.Lol.
So I thought I'd go to Tesco's get the butter and some soup for tea tonight. I text Matt to say when he got my message to phone me and then went to Mum and Dad's. Mum was just coming up the road as I put my laptop back in the car, so I spent a bit of time with her, had a cup of tea and a chat.
Once back at the flat I read a few books. I read The Tales of Beedle the Bard and 2 and a bit books of the Spiderwick Chronicles.
Wednesday, 28th January 2009
I opened the front door this morning to find it was really foggy, I thought I'd take a leaf out of Mum's book and get some pic's of the island in all the fog. So on my way to the job centre in Ryde I drove round the boating lake, usually from Ryde you get a cracking view of the mainland, no such luck today, you could just about make out Ryde Pier!
In the job centre I bumped into Lyn P, who left Woolies in the summer to work at the job centre, Kerry and one of the Sue's from Shanklin. Kerry told me that Laura, another lady we used to work with who left last year to move to the mainland, is coming down to the island on Monday to meet up with everyone, so I might go and meet up with them.
In my wisdom I thought I'd drive up Culver on my way home to get some more picture's. Well the fog was even worse up there, I could barley see where I was going!
Popped into Mum and Dad's again today, where Nana and GrandJack were supposed to be bringing Jack and Jordanna round to see us, but for some reason they didn't, they didn't even mention it! Had a letter on the side when I got in, my last pay slip and P45 from Woolworths!
Mum and I talked a bit about her upcoming holiday to the Maldives, I hope they have a great time.
Age Concern,
Auntie Claire,
Job Centre,
Mum and Dad,
Nana and GrandJack,
Nana- Jean,
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Snooker and Inauguration
Ok well first of all I have to say sorry for not doing my blog for the last couple of days, but to be honest I haven't really done that much.
Ronnie O'Sullivan won his 4th snooker masters on Sunday, much to Matt's delight, it was a cracking game.
On Monday we went to Margaret's, the local snooker hall, to have a game or two, unfortunatley I am absolutley terrible! I am so bad that the only time I could make the cue ball hit any other ball (which was very rare) the other ball would shot off in completly the wrong direction, leading to me not scoring any points. I'm also vertically challenged so being able to reach some of the shots on such a big table was really hard. Matt very kindly took me home after about 45 minutes as I couldn't bring my self to carry on playing, well actually I flatly refused. When I look back now I can kind of see the funny side, but at the time I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me!
The problem is I find things so embarrasing, evreryone tells me I shouldn't that I should just carry on and not let it affect me, which sounds easy but it really isn't. I really wish I didn't feel like this but it's just so hard. When it happens I alwys feel like I want to drop dead, melodramatic I know but thats how it makes me feel. I hate the thought of people laughing at me and Matt tells me that they aren't and to just ignore how I feel, which I know again sounds easy but honestly it isn't. I know when I look back that people aren't laughing at me it's just so hard to control at the time. I really wish I could explain it better as no one understands when I try to tell them what it feels like.
Well after that we came back to the flat and bummed around for the rest of the day. Mum emailed me Lisa's Christmas thank you letters, so I finished off mine and sent them back to her, now we can get them printed and sent off.That night we watched a program called Big Chef takes on Little Chef, it's about Heston Blumenthal taking Little Chef back to it's former glory.
Everything about the higher management screamed out Woolworths, which I think rather annoyed Matt as he was sat there trying to watch it and I kept saying Woolworths this and Woolworths that, OMG I sound like Triggy aargh (a woman we worked with who did everbody's head in). The top man of Little Chef wants to change everything completely but he's not listening to needs or wants of his customers or staff (they don't even have some sort of pan to cook scarmbled egg in they have to cook it either on a griddle or in a microwave!), to be honest he was a complete idiot, which seems to be a general job description for higher management!
The more we've watched it the more it seems Little Chef are using this as some sort of advertising ploy, but I personally don't think it's giving them the sort of publicity any company needs, as I think they are just showing their customers that their opinions dont count, but hey that's just my opinion.
On Tuesday morning I got woken up by my phone going off, which scared the living daylights out of me. It was a lady called Ellen from Age Concern, who runs the events department, phoning about the voluntary work that Amanda from Edutainment had set up for me. So I start on Thursday, I can't wait it'll be great to have something to do. I just hope I get a paid job soon as I really can't wait to be earning some money again. There's just nothing around at the moment, unless I want to be a carer, which I really couldn't do, and I have a lot of respect for those who do those jobs.
After prising myself out of gorgeously warm and comfortable bed, and then out of a beautifully warm bath, I watched a couple of films. The first one was Spiderwick Chronicles, I got it free in May when I went on an Entertainment Roadshow for Woolworths. It was quite a fun day out, no general public for one thing, it's a shame there won't be another one.
I had volunteereed to drive, as the roadshow was up in Reading. On the day I met Carrie from Newport, Emma from Shanklin, Shapla from Ryde and Kathryn from Cowes at the end of Ryde Pier, it was really nice to be able to put faces to the names and voices I had often spoken to over the phone. We took the Fast Cat over to Portsmouth and then made our way to the Portsmouth store where I had a hire car waiting, paid for by Woolworths. It was a lovely new black Vauxhall.
Once we had managed to get in the car,as there was no key hole, and then slowly negotiated my way out of the car park, I really didn't want to scratch it and who ever had parked the car in the first place had parked it right in front of a Bifa bin and someone else had parked stupidly close at the other end, we set off for Reading. The car was certainly differnt to drive, for a start it had 6 gears and the indercators were on the opposite side to my Corrola, which I didn't find out until going round a round about with my windscreen wipers going and people honking their horns at me. The stalks where also touch sensitive, so you only had to tap them to get them to work, I'm used to having to pull and push mine, so that was a bit of a problem to start with.
Now I should say that my only other experience of driving on the mainland (other than the one time I had a potter around Portsmouth with Matt), it took me half an hour to get out of Southampton. After taking the wrong route, due to talking to much and not paying enough attention, then ending up in the city center continuosly missing my turning and subsequntly leading to Mum having to get out and asks some blokes in a garage for directions.
Well this time we did take the wrong route out of Portsmouth, but after asking some guys at a petrol staion, who had very strong Indian accents, for directions we found the hotel. The next problem we had was that we had to park in a car park in a shopping precinct, and we couldn't find our wait out from the shops, so we had to ask a member of staff for directions in there as well! Can you tell we don't really leave the island much, lol!
Thankfully there was still some breakfast left, the hotel had made us croissants with cheese and tomato, very yummy, and much needed coffee, as to be able to get to the meeting, which started at 9.30, we'd had to be up at 4 am!
Well it all got under way. There where Ent. Spec's. there from 3 differnt areas and one of the first thing Andy, the souths EUK rep, did was to give an award to the best Ent. Spec. from each area. Cowes won from our area. They got t-shirts and dvd's, everyone was rather jealous of the free dvd's.After a lot of boring chat we broke up for lunch, provivded again by the hotel. I had Cottage Pie, veg and olives, weird mix I know but I love olives, and a fruit cocktail for dessert.
After lunch we spoke to a rep from Nintendo, who was useless, his response to anything we asked him was "it depends upon the demand", I'm not to sure if he realised that the demand for anything Nintendo is huge.We also spoke to a rep from EA games, he was great, he could give us decent answers to all our questions and gave us a free demo of spore creature creator. Then just before we left Andy handed out a goodie bag of dvd's to each person there, well except those that had won the award for best ent.spec. as it was the same dvd's! We got 27 Dresses, Spiderwick Chronicles and Gavin and Stacey season 1.
Well the journey back was terrible. We got so lost it was unbelievable, and to make matters worse we'd had a phone call half way through the day to say the ferries had been cancelled as the weather was really bad!I still don't know how we managed to find our way back, we just kind of stummbled across differnt places we recognised and ended up in Porstmouth!We dropped the car back off at the Porstmouth store then went back to the Fast Cat, where thankfully they had resummed service. Back at work the next day when telling Cat about what happened and what we came away with well she wasn't to happy. Cat had gone to the roadshow the previous year where they didn't get any food and only came away with a catalogue!
Anyway back to Spiderwick Chronicles, I think Freddie Highmore (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Finding Neverland) is a fantastic actor. He plays Jared and Simon Grace, twin brothers, and if I hadn't looked it up on IMDb I would still think that he had a twin in real life, even Liam thought it was 2 people, which I think shows how good he is. I hope when Daniel Radcliffe can pull it off when he has to do it for Harry Potter. I also watched Penelope with James McAvoy (Chronicles of Narnia, Atonement) who I think is a great actor and very good looking.
Around 3 o'clock I made my way over to Mum's, driving down to the high school and back first just in case Elena was still walking up. When I got in however Elena was sat on the settee and had been for about 10 minutes! Mum was watching the latest episode of House, and had also just put some washing on, the previous night Dad had fitted some new shock absorbers as the old ones had had it. It was still rather load when I walked in but once it had got more into the cycle it quietened down loads.
We were supposed to go to Newport today, Mum had invited me in her last email, but I hadn't read the email, which was sent Monday night, until Tuesday morning, so I took the tomorrow in the email being Wednesday. We have now decided to go on Wednesday after Elena finishes school, just so we have a bit more time.
Elena made me some of Dad's wonderful chicken soup and homemade bread, it was so tasty. We sat and ate it whilst watching Poirot, one of my favourite tv programs. Dad came in just after 5.30 and I asked him if I could get a lift in to Newport with him on Thursday morning, as parking is quite expensive, well not as bad as on the mainland, and I have no idea about how long I'm going to be there. I had a quick look on the Cineworld website to see if we could go and watch Inkheart after Dad finsihes work on Wednesday, only to find out that it's only playing at 4 cinemas on the mainland now, I'm so gutted as I really wanted to watch it and I know Dad did too!
When I got back home Matt had made tea, chilli con carne, and we watched the next installment of Big Chef takes on Little Chef, which was even worse than the previous one. Heston has actually walked out now as Little Chef won't commit to anything he asks, furthering both his and my thoughts that it is just a marketing scheme, but we'll see on the next episode, perhaps they'll prove me wrong.
Tuesday also saw the inauguration of Barack Obama, I hope it goes really well for him, but it's not as if he can do a worse job than Bush is it!?!
Well that's it for now, I really need to go and have a bath and get ready to go shopping
Ronnie O'Sullivan won his 4th snooker masters on Sunday, much to Matt's delight, it was a cracking game.
On Monday we went to Margaret's, the local snooker hall, to have a game or two, unfortunatley I am absolutley terrible! I am so bad that the only time I could make the cue ball hit any other ball (which was very rare) the other ball would shot off in completly the wrong direction, leading to me not scoring any points. I'm also vertically challenged so being able to reach some of the shots on such a big table was really hard. Matt very kindly took me home after about 45 minutes as I couldn't bring my self to carry on playing, well actually I flatly refused. When I look back now I can kind of see the funny side, but at the time I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me!
The problem is I find things so embarrasing, evreryone tells me I shouldn't that I should just carry on and not let it affect me, which sounds easy but it really isn't. I really wish I didn't feel like this but it's just so hard. When it happens I alwys feel like I want to drop dead, melodramatic I know but thats how it makes me feel. I hate the thought of people laughing at me and Matt tells me that they aren't and to just ignore how I feel, which I know again sounds easy but honestly it isn't. I know when I look back that people aren't laughing at me it's just so hard to control at the time. I really wish I could explain it better as no one understands when I try to tell them what it feels like.
Well after that we came back to the flat and bummed around for the rest of the day. Mum emailed me Lisa's Christmas thank you letters, so I finished off mine and sent them back to her, now we can get them printed and sent off.That night we watched a program called Big Chef takes on Little Chef, it's about Heston Blumenthal taking Little Chef back to it's former glory.
Everything about the higher management screamed out Woolworths, which I think rather annoyed Matt as he was sat there trying to watch it and I kept saying Woolworths this and Woolworths that, OMG I sound like Triggy aargh (a woman we worked with who did everbody's head in). The top man of Little Chef wants to change everything completely but he's not listening to needs or wants of his customers or staff (they don't even have some sort of pan to cook scarmbled egg in they have to cook it either on a griddle or in a microwave!), to be honest he was a complete idiot, which seems to be a general job description for higher management!
The more we've watched it the more it seems Little Chef are using this as some sort of advertising ploy, but I personally don't think it's giving them the sort of publicity any company needs, as I think they are just showing their customers that their opinions dont count, but hey that's just my opinion.
On Tuesday morning I got woken up by my phone going off, which scared the living daylights out of me. It was a lady called Ellen from Age Concern, who runs the events department, phoning about the voluntary work that Amanda from Edutainment had set up for me. So I start on Thursday, I can't wait it'll be great to have something to do. I just hope I get a paid job soon as I really can't wait to be earning some money again. There's just nothing around at the moment, unless I want to be a carer, which I really couldn't do, and I have a lot of respect for those who do those jobs.
After prising myself out of gorgeously warm and comfortable bed, and then out of a beautifully warm bath, I watched a couple of films. The first one was Spiderwick Chronicles, I got it free in May when I went on an Entertainment Roadshow for Woolworths. It was quite a fun day out, no general public for one thing, it's a shame there won't be another one.
I had volunteereed to drive, as the roadshow was up in Reading. On the day I met Carrie from Newport, Emma from Shanklin, Shapla from Ryde and Kathryn from Cowes at the end of Ryde Pier, it was really nice to be able to put faces to the names and voices I had often spoken to over the phone. We took the Fast Cat over to Portsmouth and then made our way to the Portsmouth store where I had a hire car waiting, paid for by Woolworths. It was a lovely new black Vauxhall.
Once we had managed to get in the car,as there was no key hole, and then slowly negotiated my way out of the car park, I really didn't want to scratch it and who ever had parked the car in the first place had parked it right in front of a Bifa bin and someone else had parked stupidly close at the other end, we set off for Reading. The car was certainly differnt to drive, for a start it had 6 gears and the indercators were on the opposite side to my Corrola, which I didn't find out until going round a round about with my windscreen wipers going and people honking their horns at me. The stalks where also touch sensitive, so you only had to tap them to get them to work, I'm used to having to pull and push mine, so that was a bit of a problem to start with.
Now I should say that my only other experience of driving on the mainland (other than the one time I had a potter around Portsmouth with Matt), it took me half an hour to get out of Southampton. After taking the wrong route, due to talking to much and not paying enough attention, then ending up in the city center continuosly missing my turning and subsequntly leading to Mum having to get out and asks some blokes in a garage for directions.
Well this time we did take the wrong route out of Portsmouth, but after asking some guys at a petrol staion, who had very strong Indian accents, for directions we found the hotel. The next problem we had was that we had to park in a car park in a shopping precinct, and we couldn't find our wait out from the shops, so we had to ask a member of staff for directions in there as well! Can you tell we don't really leave the island much, lol!
Thankfully there was still some breakfast left, the hotel had made us croissants with cheese and tomato, very yummy, and much needed coffee, as to be able to get to the meeting, which started at 9.30, we'd had to be up at 4 am!
Well it all got under way. There where Ent. Spec's. there from 3 differnt areas and one of the first thing Andy, the souths EUK rep, did was to give an award to the best Ent. Spec. from each area. Cowes won from our area. They got t-shirts and dvd's, everyone was rather jealous of the free dvd's.After a lot of boring chat we broke up for lunch, provivded again by the hotel. I had Cottage Pie, veg and olives, weird mix I know but I love olives, and a fruit cocktail for dessert.
After lunch we spoke to a rep from Nintendo, who was useless, his response to anything we asked him was "it depends upon the demand", I'm not to sure if he realised that the demand for anything Nintendo is huge.We also spoke to a rep from EA games, he was great, he could give us decent answers to all our questions and gave us a free demo of spore creature creator. Then just before we left Andy handed out a goodie bag of dvd's to each person there, well except those that had won the award for best ent.spec. as it was the same dvd's! We got 27 Dresses, Spiderwick Chronicles and Gavin and Stacey season 1.
Well the journey back was terrible. We got so lost it was unbelievable, and to make matters worse we'd had a phone call half way through the day to say the ferries had been cancelled as the weather was really bad!I still don't know how we managed to find our way back, we just kind of stummbled across differnt places we recognised and ended up in Porstmouth!We dropped the car back off at the Porstmouth store then went back to the Fast Cat, where thankfully they had resummed service. Back at work the next day when telling Cat about what happened and what we came away with well she wasn't to happy. Cat had gone to the roadshow the previous year where they didn't get any food and only came away with a catalogue!
Anyway back to Spiderwick Chronicles, I think Freddie Highmore (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Finding Neverland) is a fantastic actor. He plays Jared and Simon Grace, twin brothers, and if I hadn't looked it up on IMDb I would still think that he had a twin in real life, even Liam thought it was 2 people, which I think shows how good he is. I hope when Daniel Radcliffe can pull it off when he has to do it for Harry Potter. I also watched Penelope with James McAvoy (Chronicles of Narnia, Atonement) who I think is a great actor and very good looking.
Around 3 o'clock I made my way over to Mum's, driving down to the high school and back first just in case Elena was still walking up. When I got in however Elena was sat on the settee and had been for about 10 minutes! Mum was watching the latest episode of House, and had also just put some washing on, the previous night Dad had fitted some new shock absorbers as the old ones had had it. It was still rather load when I walked in but once it had got more into the cycle it quietened down loads.
We were supposed to go to Newport today, Mum had invited me in her last email, but I hadn't read the email, which was sent Monday night, until Tuesday morning, so I took the tomorrow in the email being Wednesday. We have now decided to go on Wednesday after Elena finishes school, just so we have a bit more time.
Elena made me some of Dad's wonderful chicken soup and homemade bread, it was so tasty. We sat and ate it whilst watching Poirot, one of my favourite tv programs. Dad came in just after 5.30 and I asked him if I could get a lift in to Newport with him on Thursday morning, as parking is quite expensive, well not as bad as on the mainland, and I have no idea about how long I'm going to be there. I had a quick look on the Cineworld website to see if we could go and watch Inkheart after Dad finsihes work on Wednesday, only to find out that it's only playing at 4 cinemas on the mainland now, I'm so gutted as I really wanted to watch it and I know Dad did too!
When I got back home Matt had made tea, chilli con carne, and we watched the next installment of Big Chef takes on Little Chef, which was even worse than the previous one. Heston has actually walked out now as Little Chef won't commit to anything he asks, furthering both his and my thoughts that it is just a marketing scheme, but we'll see on the next episode, perhaps they'll prove me wrong.
Tuesday also saw the inauguration of Barack Obama, I hope it goes really well for him, but it's not as if he can do a worse job than Bush is it!?!
Well that's it for now, I really need to go and have a bath and get ready to go shopping
Age Concern,
Lisa and Liam,
Mum and Dad,
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside...
I love living by the sea, it's great in the summer as you can go and have a lovely cool off whenever you want to and in the winter there's always some sort of cracking photo opportunity.
We went to Tescos again today to get enough food in to last the rest of the week. Pumped the cars tyres up and headed back home.
After I'd had some lunch I left Matt watching the snooker final whilst I went for a wander around Rylstone Gardens.
Entrance to Rylstone Gardens
Artwork in Rylstone Gardens
Rylstone Gardens
Rylstone Manor House
Rylstone Manor House
Building in Rylstone Gardens
Shanklin Chine
View of Shanklin Chine from the Old Village
Shanklin Old Village
Big Mead
Our flat-the bottom one- from bottom of drive way
We went to Tescos again today to get enough food in to last the rest of the week. Pumped the cars tyres up and headed back home.
After I'd had some lunch I left Matt watching the snooker final whilst I went for a wander around Rylstone Gardens.
It was lovely there, so peaceful and no-one around, all you could hear was the sea, the birds and the waterfall from Shanklin Chine.
After wandering around the gardens for a while I wandered up past Shanklin Chine and then into the Old Village.
I made my way through the Old Village, past Big Mead and then back to the flat, where I managed to get a picture of our flat.
After my walk I popped over to Mum and Dad's to see how everyone was and to see if Dad could take my white coat to the dry cleaners in Newport, well my "not so" white coat as it's filthy! He said he would, which is brill I'm so grateful, it's always horrible going into Newport when you don't have a lot of money, as this is where all the best shops are!
I received an email from one of my friends from collage asking if I wanted to go horse riding on Wednesday so hopefully we will meet up and have a good old chat, weather depending on the horse riding though.
Now I'm off to have some popcorn, I love popcorn it's great, although I think I might soon be addicted, lol!

I received an email from one of my friends from collage asking if I wanted to go horse riding on Wednesday so hopefully we will meet up and have a good old chat, weather depending on the horse riding though.
Now I'm off to have some popcorn, I love popcorn it's great, although I think I might soon be addicted, lol!
Saturday, 17 January 2009
What to do?
OMG woke up with such an awful headache this morning, my own fault I know, all from pigging out on the chocolate last night, I knew I shouldn't have eaten so much.

Just as we got in the phone went and it was Auntie Claire again, Dad also got to speak to Nana- Jean, who she said that she was feeling better and for him not to come up as it was too long a journey. Well we've decided that we won't go up this week as both Mum and Dad have got loads on at work, we'll go next Friday, after their fridge/freezer has been delivered and then come back on Sunday, in time for everyone to be back at work and school. It's oing to be so cold, will have to pack loads of jumpers.
Matt went back to flat just after lunch, he said he wasn't feeling 100% but I think he wanted to get back and watch the snooker. After we had washed the pots and had a cup of tea Mum, Elena and I decided we'd go for a walk along Sandown seafront. We thought we'd park near Bogeys-the local night club, and walk from there.
As we were driving past the Caulkheads we spotted Nana and GrandJack, so we pulled over to see what they were doing and it turned out they had decided to go for a walk along the seafront as well. We went off and parked the car and waited for them to catch us up and then all headed off towards Yaverland.
We talked bout how Nana- Jean was in hospital and asked how Auntie Mal was doing, GrandJacks youngest sister who lives in France and who has also just been admitted to hospital. She's just got Guillen Barre Syndrome. Which is a rare disorder that makes your immune system attack your nervous system, and she is now paralysed below the waist!
It was very windy and cold along the seafront, we popped into the yacht club to see if we could get a coffee at the bar but unfortunately it wasn't open, so we headed back to Sandown and popped into the Jolly Sailor where GrandJack bought us all a nice hot drink.
After warming we said goodbye to Nana and GrandJack and headed back home where Dad was making one of his gorgeous roast dinners for us. It was lovely. Thanks Dad xxx
After tea Matt came and picked me up and we went back to the flat so we could pay the rent and check when we need to get out of the flat. Fiona told us that we may be able to have it for a couple more weeks as the building work isn't going as quick as they'd like it to, we have to check with them at the end of the month as to whats happening.
After having a nice long soak in the bath, I didn't want to get out of it, I turned on my laptop to see if anyone had heard any more about Nana- Jean. Dad had spoken to Auntie Claire again last night after I had left, and was told that the hospital were going to carry out some tests but had to wait a few hours first. Poor Dad doesn't really know what to do with himself.
Elena spoke to me as soon as I had logged in, saying that Dad was contemplating on going up north to see her but was waiting for more news first. So Matt and I went round to Mum and Dad's to see if there was anything we could do. Mum had very kindly said I could use their washing machine as all the ones in the flats laundry room were in use, Mum's is definitely better though as my whites always come out a lot whiter when I use hers! Before we left the flat though I took this photo, it's the view out of our front door down the drive way.
Just as we got in the phone went and it was Auntie Claire again, Dad also got to speak to Nana- Jean, who she said that she was feeling better and for him not to come up as it was too long a journey. Well we've decided that we won't go up this week as both Mum and Dad have got loads on at work, we'll go next Friday, after their fridge/freezer has been delivered and then come back on Sunday, in time for everyone to be back at work and school. It's oing to be so cold, will have to pack loads of jumpers.
Matt went back to flat just after lunch, he said he wasn't feeling 100% but I think he wanted to get back and watch the snooker. After we had washed the pots and had a cup of tea Mum, Elena and I decided we'd go for a walk along Sandown seafront. We thought we'd park near Bogeys-the local night club, and walk from there.
As we were driving past the Caulkheads we spotted Nana and GrandJack, so we pulled over to see what they were doing and it turned out they had decided to go for a walk along the seafront as well. We went off and parked the car and waited for them to catch us up and then all headed off towards Yaverland.
We talked bout how Nana- Jean was in hospital and asked how Auntie Mal was doing, GrandJacks youngest sister who lives in France and who has also just been admitted to hospital. She's just got Guillen Barre Syndrome. Which is a rare disorder that makes your immune system attack your nervous system, and she is now paralysed below the waist!
It was very windy and cold along the seafront, we popped into the yacht club to see if we could get a coffee at the bar but unfortunately it wasn't open, so we headed back to Sandown and popped into the Jolly Sailor where GrandJack bought us all a nice hot drink.
After warming we said goodbye to Nana and GrandJack and headed back home where Dad was making one of his gorgeous roast dinners for us. It was lovely. Thanks Dad xxx
After tea Matt came and picked me up and we went back to the flat so we could pay the rent and check when we need to get out of the flat. Fiona told us that we may be able to have it for a couple more weeks as the building work isn't going as quick as they'd like it to, we have to check with them at the end of the month as to whats happening.
Friday, 16 January 2009
A Down Day
Well not really been up to much today. If I'm perfectly honest it's been a bit of a down day, I don't know why I just feel extremely fed up. Oh aren't I the happy ray of light, lol!
I was messing around on the internet this morning when I had a look on IMDb's news feed, one of the stories was about Bear Grylls, who was born on the island and grew up in Bembridge, and how his wife has given birth to their 3rd son Huckleberry! One of their other son's name is Marmaduke. I just can't believe how mean some people can be to their own children, still each to their own I suppose.
We took a trip out to Tesco's where we bumped in to one of Matt's old friends Mum, who was having a good old whinge about him (Martin her son, Matt's old friend), still it's always good to know he hasn't changed as he's always looking for an argument! We also saw Steve who we had a quick chat with before heading off to the checkout.
On our way back i dropped Matt off at his Mum's then I popped round Mum and Dad's. Poor Mum's had an awful day at work again today, but hopefully now the "big boss" is kicking his son's rear end it may start to get better soon- hang in their Mum xxx
I did her ironing for her as she offered to pay me, she also gave me some petrol and a tin of Bournville chocolate, which I love. Then we tried accessing Mum's hard drive so I could write my thank you letters for my Christmas Presents, unfortunately we just couldn't get the laptop to acknowledge that we had plugged in, and turned on, her hard drive. Technology, tut, it's great whilst it works but when it malfunctions I'm useless!
Dad came in about 5.45 saying that he'd just had another phone call from Auntie Claire, her and Auntie Debra had just been summoned to the hospital where my Nan is as she'd had a heart attack. So all in all I think every ones had a pretty rotten day. I've offered to go up with Dad if he needs to, so then at least I can look after Matthew and Zoe and keep Dad company on the trip as well.
Hopefully I'll have actually done something tomorrow so I have a happier, fuller post to give you.
I was messing around on the internet this morning when I had a look on IMDb's news feed, one of the stories was about Bear Grylls, who was born on the island and grew up in Bembridge, and how his wife has given birth to their 3rd son Huckleberry! One of their other son's name is Marmaduke. I just can't believe how mean some people can be to their own children, still each to their own I suppose.
We took a trip out to Tesco's where we bumped in to one of Matt's old friends Mum, who was having a good old whinge about him (Martin her son, Matt's old friend), still it's always good to know he hasn't changed as he's always looking for an argument! We also saw Steve who we had a quick chat with before heading off to the checkout.
On our way back i dropped Matt off at his Mum's then I popped round Mum and Dad's. Poor Mum's had an awful day at work again today, but hopefully now the "big boss" is kicking his son's rear end it may start to get better soon- hang in their Mum xxx
I did her ironing for her as she offered to pay me, she also gave me some petrol and a tin of Bournville chocolate, which I love. Then we tried accessing Mum's hard drive so I could write my thank you letters for my Christmas Presents, unfortunately we just couldn't get the laptop to acknowledge that we had plugged in, and turned on, her hard drive. Technology, tut, it's great whilst it works but when it malfunctions I'm useless!
Dad came in about 5.45 saying that he'd just had another phone call from Auntie Claire, her and Auntie Debra had just been summoned to the hospital where my Nan is as she'd had a heart attack. So all in all I think every ones had a pretty rotten day. I've offered to go up with Dad if he needs to, so then at least I can look after Matthew and Zoe and keep Dad company on the trip as well.
Hopefully I'll have actually done something tomorrow so I have a happier, fuller post to give you.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
What a Grey Day
Just to make up for my very early morning yesterday, lol, I permitted my self to have I lie in today. I didn't get out of bed till gone 11 o'clock and then had a nice long soak in the bath, though I must admit I never thought I'd get in a bath again after watching the Christmas episode of Jonathan Creek!
Mum and Dad bought me some lovely smellies for Christmas, the ones I'm using at the moment are by Soap & Glory and I love them! I would highly recommend them to anyone and everyone. They make your skin fell really soft and they all smell great.
After I had finished "pruning" myself, as Matt calls it, we went for a quick walk along Shanklin seafront. I must admit we did cheat a little bit by driving down and parking on the revetment, but it was gone 2 o'clock when we left the flat and I wanted to be at Mum's by 3. The wind was extremely cold and even Matt found it too cold,which is definitely saying something because he's still wearing shorts! We must have looked a right pair as I had multiple jumpers and a coat on, as well as hat, scarf and gloves!
I got some cracking photo's, though when I get a job I think I might start saving for a decent camera, as they never come out as well as I would like them to on my phone camera.
It was quite rough today, I think, don't quote me on this though, it was a force 7, but I wasn't paying much attention to the weather forecast. In some places the waves where even splashing up onto the revetment even though the tide hadn't fully come in!
Looking back to the Stink-Pot, Shanklin seafront
The film was great, full of laughs, a definite must see. We also saw a couple of ads for a few new films that look really good, well when I say a couple of ads we actually watched 20 minutes of them before the film got going! One of them was for The Secret of Moonacre starring Dakota Blue Richards, the girl out of The Golden Compass, I also really want to the new Brendon Fraser film Inkheart, and I can't wait for Angels and Demons to come out, but according to IMDb it's not due to be released in the UK until the 15th of May! What are they playing at?!?
Cineworld in Newport
Mum and Dad bought me some lovely smellies for Christmas, the ones I'm using at the moment are by Soap & Glory and I love them! I would highly recommend them to anyone and everyone. They make your skin fell really soft and they all smell great.
After I had finished "pruning" myself, as Matt calls it, we went for a quick walk along Shanklin seafront. I must admit we did cheat a little bit by driving down and parking on the revetment, but it was gone 2 o'clock when we left the flat and I wanted to be at Mum's by 3. The wind was extremely cold and even Matt found it too cold,which is definitely saying something because he's still wearing shorts! We must have looked a right pair as I had multiple jumpers and a coat on, as well as hat, scarf and gloves!
I got some cracking photo's, though when I get a job I think I might start saving for a decent camera, as they never come out as well as I would like them to on my phone camera.
It was quite rough today, I think, don't quote me on this though, it was a force 7, but I wasn't paying much attention to the weather forecast. In some places the waves where even splashing up onto the revetment even though the tide hadn't fully come in!
We didn't stay out long as it was just far too cold! So I dropped Matt back off at the flat and then made my way to Mum's, dropping in at Lidls first to pickup some mince meat for her. Poor Mum had had a rather frustrating day at work and being woken up at stupid o'clock this morning by my Auntie didn't help. She very kindly phoned them to say that my Nan had been admitted into hospital again, I don't really know what she expected Dad to say or do as we live about 250 miles away from each other! You would have thought she could have waited a little bit longer and called them at a decent hour, I know I would have probably hung up on her if she had disturbed my sleep, but hey that's just me. Oh well I know her hearts in the right place.
Once Elena was in from school and had got herself ready we set off for Newport. We parked at Dad's work- beats paying car park fees- and walked down to the cinema.
Mum very kindly gave us a bogof voucher she'd got from McDonald's and the money to pay for the other ticket as well as some drinks and sweets. Elena and I were the only people in the screen it was brilliant, like having your very own home theatre!
We watched Bedtime Stories, the new Disney movie with Adam Sandler. Who looks exactly like Rich a lad I used to work with!
Once Elena was in from school and had got herself ready we set off for Newport. We parked at Dad's work- beats paying car park fees- and walked down to the cinema.
Mum very kindly gave us a bogof voucher she'd got from McDonald's and the money to pay for the other ticket as well as some drinks and sweets. Elena and I were the only people in the screen it was brilliant, like having your very own home theatre!
We watched Bedtime Stories, the new Disney movie with Adam Sandler. Who looks exactly like Rich a lad I used to work with!

Elena very kindly took a picture of the cinema advertising Bedtime Stories for me as my camera just wasn't up to the job, thanks Elena xxx.
We went back to Mum and Dad's for tea, lasagna yum, I feel just like Garfield I love lasagna I think it's got to be one of my favourite pasta dishes.
Mum and Dad have been clearing out their kitchen cupboards ready for their new appliances and it's brill because anything they don't want any more comes my way, so I came home with a bag full of goodies tonight, including freeze blocks which will be brill for the summer at the yacht club.
Now I'm back at home listening to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and thinking I should really go to bed as it's almost midnight. Well bye for now.
We went back to Mum and Dad's for tea, lasagna yum, I feel just like Garfield I love lasagna I think it's got to be one of my favourite pasta dishes.
Mum and Dad have been clearing out their kitchen cupboards ready for their new appliances and it's brill because anything they don't want any more comes my way, so I came home with a bag full of goodies tonight, including freeze blocks which will be brill for the summer at the yacht club.
Now I'm back at home listening to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and thinking I should really go to bed as it's almost midnight. Well bye for now.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Nice early start for me this morning, well when I say early I mean 8.30! Your probably thinking lazy moose, but at the moment I'm used to getting up when I'm nice and ready, which is usually around 9.30, so as you can imagine it was a bit of a shock to the system.
By 10.20 Matt had dropped me off in Ryde so I could go to my appointment at Next Step, based at a business called Edutainment, with a lovely lady called Amanda. We discussed my options further, from what we had talked about on Saturday.
She has found me some possible voluntary work with Age Concern, which sounds really naff but it's with there event organising department, which will be perfect as that's what I'd love to get into. We also looked at a few courses for me to do and have decided that I should maybe update my computer skills and perhaps go back to college to study either business management or business administration. She's going to have a look into funding for me as now I'm a "mature student" lol it's not going to be cheap!
She's also going to find out if she can get my some help finding a job, because I live in Lake and they are based in Ryde they may not be able to .I should find out about that when I speak to her next.
At 11.40 I reluctantly went down to the job centre to sign on for the first time, I felt so embarrassed sat there with a load of chav's, I can't wait till I find a new job. The man who i had to see was rather big, which wasn't a problem, but he was wearing a shirt that was about 2 sizes too small for him and subsequently straining at the buttons, needless to say it wasn't a nice sight.
As I was leaving Debbie was just coming in to sigh on for her first time. She had very kindly got hold of an email address belonging to our last customer, well her Mum's as our last customer was about 2 years old. Shaun had taken a picture of her as she made her purchase and we said that we'd email it to her, unfortunately someone was a wee bit to efficient when tidying the office and threw it away. So at least now when she's old enough to understand she'll be able to have a look back, we also sent her one of all of us just after we had closed.
By 10.20 Matt had dropped me off in Ryde so I could go to my appointment at Next Step, based at a business called Edutainment, with a lovely lady called Amanda. We discussed my options further, from what we had talked about on Saturday.
She has found me some possible voluntary work with Age Concern, which sounds really naff but it's with there event organising department, which will be perfect as that's what I'd love to get into. We also looked at a few courses for me to do and have decided that I should maybe update my computer skills and perhaps go back to college to study either business management or business administration. She's going to have a look into funding for me as now I'm a "mature student" lol it's not going to be cheap!
She's also going to find out if she can get my some help finding a job, because I live in Lake and they are based in Ryde they may not be able to .I should find out about that when I speak to her next.
At 11.40 I reluctantly went down to the job centre to sign on for the first time, I felt so embarrassed sat there with a load of chav's, I can't wait till I find a new job. The man who i had to see was rather big, which wasn't a problem, but he was wearing a shirt that was about 2 sizes too small for him and subsequently straining at the buttons, needless to say it wasn't a nice sight.
As I was leaving Debbie was just coming in to sigh on for her first time. She had very kindly got hold of an email address belonging to our last customer, well her Mum's as our last customer was about 2 years old. Shaun had taken a picture of her as she made her purchase and we said that we'd email it to her, unfortunately someone was a wee bit to efficient when tidying the office and threw it away. So at least now when she's old enough to understand she'll be able to have a look back, we also sent her one of all of us just after we had closed.
Matt came and picked me up and took me to Newport Quay, he'd arranged for us to have a look on one of the boats. I didn't take any photo's of inside as I found it rather small and in need of some work, but did manage some of outside this time.
Temporary accommodation
On the 2nd of November, after a lovely week spent up in the cold northern region with Auntie Claire & co and Teresa & co, Matt and I moved into our first home together. It was great having something to look forward to as usually, like every one else, I hate coming home from a holiday.
The only downside to this flat, was that we'd only have for three months, until the end of January, as the owners, Fiona and Miles, will then be doing construction work to them. Currently they are working on the main house and having a swimming pool built in the garden!Let's hope this year brings a decent summer so they can make good use of it.
I have thoroughly enjoyed having my own space and sharing it with Matt. It was great over Christmas I had a few decorations of my own, we also bought a 6ft tree from Tesco's for just £5 bargain! Then when we found out that Woolworths would be closing I asked my manager, Sharon, if I could have the 6ft tree out of the staff canteen, to which of course she said yes. Mum and Elena very kindly came and picked it up, and both got a little something out of it Elena found a smaller tree in the corner which I let her have and Mum got a boot full of glitter, Christmas 2007 Sharon had got a bit carried away with the festivities and covered the front of the store in glitter, lol!
Well now our time here is almost up and we are searching to find somewhere else, I know we'll find something. Mum said to get a few photo's of the flat, so I have something to look back at. I have tidy, polished and positioned everything so it looks fab, I hope. There are 3 rooms the main living area/ dining room/ kitchen, the main bedroom with en-suite and the spare room with en-suite
View of all of main bedroom
Chair in main bedroom with the teddy Matt bought a few Christmas' ago
Main en-suite
Spare bedroom
Spare bedroom en-suite with bunk beds just behind the door
The only downside to this flat, was that we'd only have for three months, until the end of January, as the owners, Fiona and Miles, will then be doing construction work to them. Currently they are working on the main house and having a swimming pool built in the garden!Let's hope this year brings a decent summer so they can make good use of it.
I have thoroughly enjoyed having my own space and sharing it with Matt. It was great over Christmas I had a few decorations of my own, we also bought a 6ft tree from Tesco's for just £5 bargain! Then when we found out that Woolworths would be closing I asked my manager, Sharon, if I could have the 6ft tree out of the staff canteen, to which of course she said yes. Mum and Elena very kindly came and picked it up, and both got a little something out of it Elena found a smaller tree in the corner which I let her have and Mum got a boot full of glitter, Christmas 2007 Sharon had got a bit carried away with the festivities and covered the front of the store in glitter, lol!
Well now our time here is almost up and we are searching to find somewhere else, I know we'll find something. Mum said to get a few photo's of the flat, so I have something to look back at. I have tidy, polished and positioned everything so it looks fab, I hope. There are 3 rooms the main living area/ dining room/ kitchen, the main bedroom with en-suite and the spare room with en-suite
There is also a courtyard area but at the moment it's dark and raining so maybe if it's nice tomorrow I'll take some more pictures.
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