Matt and I spoke to Fiona this morning and she's letting us have the flat for another week! I phoned Mum to tell her and to ask if I could use her washing machine again, going out tonight and everything I want to where needs washing!
When we got round there Liam, Lisa and Tillet where playing on Mum and Dad's new Wii Fit. Over Christmas we had had a conversation about addictions, Tillet saying how he hasn't got an addictive personality! He's always playing on his Xbox or playing Ge
o Challenge, a game on Facebook! Today was more proof of his addictive personality, he spent quite a lot of time trying to beat Liam's score on ski-ing!
Steve came over a bit later and we had a quick chat about tonight. When we went out for Chinese at the beginning of the month we all decided to keep in touch, Bren decided that we'd meet up on the 31st and go out for a meal. Well yesterday I heard from Sharon telling me that she wouldn't be able to make it (which isn't like Sharon at all) also Bren and Lyn couldn't make it as they both, handily, had family over! Debbie had told me earlier in the week that she wouldn't be able to make it, and Jo never let me know what she was doing.
Steve said that he was definitely coming but little Gemma would only come down for a couple of drinks.
I left Mum and Dad's just before 5 so I could get my self ready, then down to the Kings for 6. I met Catherine outside and we were soon joined by Shaun. We waited until 7.30, having a few drinks in the meantime (except Cat who was driving) I even phoned Steve twice, but no joy. No one else turned up!
So Cat, Shaun and I went down to the Caulkheads. It wasn't that busy when we got there, there were a few people in but they all had their food. They had no chicken in (which we only found out when we went to order our food) and no lasagna. Cat had chosen chicken fajitas and Shaun had chosen lasagna! So after another look at the menu we got it all sorted. Cat and Shaun to have a burger and I to have medium rare steak. We had over a 30 minute wait so by the time the food turned up we where all starving!
It wasn't the best, half my steak was medium rare and the other half was well done! Not to sure how they managed that one, but I couldn't be bothered to send it back as I was so hungry. It also came with a mushroom sauce, that tasted suspiciously of Campbell's soup!
So on the whole the night was a bit of let down, it was really great to see Cat and Shaun (who had come back from uni especially) but I was a bit disappointed that no one else could be bothered to turn up.
When I got back to the flat I spoke to Lisa or Liam on MSN where they told me Steve had waited down the Caulkheads for half an hour! I'm not so sure if I believe it though, as why didn't he answer his phone or phone one of us? Oh well.
Whilst round Mum's earlier Elena told me that the Chanel 4 show Come Dine With Me has filmed an episode on the island and that one of her teachers is taking part. When talking about it with Cat and Shaun Shaun told me that his sister would be on it as well, as they filmed a bit of her at the school, and his sister was in the class at he time. How cool is that!
Sunday, 1st February 2009
Popped round Mum and Dad's to pick up the rest of my washing, which they had very kindly dried for me as well, thank you.
We went to Morrisons to get a few bits for tea. We decided to have potato bake so got potatoes, sweet potatoes, cheese and then went to get the sauce. They only had the cheese and ham flavour which I really don't like. So on our way back to the flat I nipped into Somerfield, who don't sell potato bake sauce at all.
There was nothing else for it, I dropped Matt of at the flat to unpack the shopping we had got and then went to Tescos! Where thankfully they had my favourite flavour sauce, garlic and herb.
Back at the flat we decided to do a bit of cooking, and make some cheese scones. We measured it all mixed it all up and then realised we don't own a rolling pin, so I just flattened it out. Then realised we don't have any cutters! In the end I used one of the Ikea glasses Teresa and Nik bought us.
They turned out great, though next time I think I'll use stronger cheese.
I've borrowed one of Elena's DS games, Viva Pinata Pocket Paradise. I spent ages playing it this morning. After finally deciding I should go and have a bath I quickly phoned Lisa to see how her driving test had gone. Unfortunately she failed again, so I said I'd go round and see her. When I stepped out the front door it was snowing!!! It wasn't setteling but I did manage to get a few photo's.
On my way to Mum and Dad's a stopped in Shanklin and bought Lisa a "Good Luck" Me To You Bear, she bought me one for my third driving test, which I passed, so hopefully it'll help her. I also popped into Shanklin news and got her some chocolate to cheer her up.
I had a go on the Wii Fit, the first thing you have to do is let it measure your BMI mine was in the middle of ideal, then you have to measure your centre of gravity which was ok but needs some work. I love the Wii and the Wii Fit, once I have a job I think I'll definitely start saving for one.
I stayed for tea, so when Elena and I went to Tesco's we got some broccoli and cauliflower, I hadn't got a clue as to which to buy but I think I did well, they weren't moldy so that's a start.
Tuesday, 3rd February
I was very rudely awoken at 6 o'clock this morning by a rather loud metallic bang, I think there must be some air in the radiator system. After a lying there there for a couple of minutes, letting my heart settle down, lol, I realised Matt wasn't in bed, getting up to investigate I found him at the living room window as excited as a kid who's Christmas' have all come at once, it was snowing!
We quickly got dressed (Matt was even wearing trousers- a rarity!) and went for a drive. First of all we drove down to have a look at Rylstone Gardens, it looked lovely, unfortunately as it was so dark i couldn't get a picture, it was beautiful though.
We then went down to Yaverland car park, and by this time the sun was starting to rise. There were a couple of other people down there driving around the car park and getting a feel for driving on the snow. I also had ago as the only other time I've driven in the snow it hadn't really settled properly.
Then we made our way, very slowly, to Mum and Dad's. I was supposed to be going to Age Concern today and get a lift in with Dad. But I'd managed to get an earlier doctor's appointment to check my back, and I really didn't want to give it to anybody else.
Matt and I took Elena down to the high school only to find, much to Elena's delight, that it was closed due to the snow. We only had about an inch of snow, if that, but nearly the whole island had come to a stand still. Matt then dropped Elena and me off at the doctors where Dr. Rivers confirmed that the rash is shingles, but as I'd had it for a few days there was nothing he could do, I'd just have to sit it out.
Back to Mum and Dad's so Elena could get changed, we had a quick go on the Wii Fit, and got Matt on it as well, then went for a drive in the snow, whilst we still had it. We went back to Luccombe and showed Elena Big Mead, where there were people making snowmen, sledging, having snowball fights, 2 lads had a big catapult which they were using to get their snowballs further than anyone else. It's lovely how a little bit of frozen water brings everyone together. We showed her Rylstone Gardens, then up into Ventnor.
Matt pulled into a car park for us, so we could get a few pictures and throw a few snowballs. it took Matt a couple of minutes to get the car out as it was in the shade and on a bit of a slope- Ventnor being mainly hills- and then on our way again. We stopped of in another layby so Elena could get a picture of the sea and then on to Ventnor botanical Gardens. We didn't take any photo's here as, due to all the trees no doubt, the snow hadn't really settled.
Matt then said he had a really could idea for a photo spot for us. So off we went again, some of the views on the way were amazing, like the snow coming down and swirling over the sea and hills, at one point Matt pulled over and was umming and ahhring as to whether we should drive really slowly down a hill or walk. In the end I told him just to drive down it, he went really slow and soon pulled into another car park. Here we got and followed Matt up a snowy path. Well he definitely didn't let us down, we had a great view of West Wight and Blackgang Chine.
OMG trying to get back the hill was, well, a bit of a laugh! We got over taken by not 1but 2 tractors! It took us a while but Matt, after much sweating, managed it in the end. the tyre tracks we left behind were brill, wiggling all over the place!
Me throwing a snowball at Elena
People sledging in Ventnor
Matt trying to get out of Ventnor car park
Blackgang Chine
Cowboy and Indian village at Blackgang Chine
Our tyre marks trying to get up the hill
We left Elena with Mum watching House and went back to the flat. I fell asleep pretty much as soon as we got back to the flat, being up at 6 really doesn't agree with me lol. Haven't really done much for the rest of the day other than listening to Dr. No, I think it's got to be one of my favourite James Bond books.
Back to Mum and Dad's so Elena could get changed, we had a quick go on the Wii Fit, and got Matt on it as well, then went for a drive in the snow, whilst we still had it. We went back to Luccombe and showed Elena Big Mead, where there were people making snowmen, sledging, having snowball fights, 2 lads had a big catapult which they were using to get their snowballs further than anyone else. It's lovely how a little bit of frozen water brings everyone together. We showed her Rylstone Gardens, then up into Ventnor.
Matt pulled into a car park for us, so we could get a few pictures and throw a few snowballs. it took Matt a couple of minutes to get the car out as it was in the shade and on a bit of a slope- Ventnor being mainly hills- and then on our way again. We stopped of in another layby so Elena could get a picture of the sea and then on to Ventnor botanical Gardens. We didn't take any photo's here as, due to all the trees no doubt, the snow hadn't really settled.
Matt then said he had a really could idea for a photo spot for us. So off we went again, some of the views on the way were amazing, like the snow coming down and swirling over the sea and hills, at one point Matt pulled over and was umming and ahhring as to whether we should drive really slowly down a hill or walk. In the end I told him just to drive down it, he went really slow and soon pulled into another car park. Here we got and followed Matt up a snowy path. Well he definitely didn't let us down, we had a great view of West Wight and Blackgang Chine.
OMG trying to get back the hill was, well, a bit of a laugh! We got over taken by not 1but 2 tractors! It took us a while but Matt, after much sweating, managed it in the end. the tyre tracks we left behind were brill, wiggling all over the place!
Back to Mum and Dad's again to pick Lisa and Liam up so we could drop them of at the fast cat. By the time we set off the only snow remaining was up on the downs! Everywhere else was just slush. We popped into McDonald's and got some lunch on the way, and then round the boating lake as it was partly frozen over.
We left Elena with Mum watching House and went back to the flat. I fell asleep pretty much as soon as we got back to the flat, being up at 6 really doesn't agree with me lol. Haven't really done much for the rest of the day other than listening to Dr. No, I think it's got to be one of my favourite James Bond books.
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