Saturday I spent 3 hours in the hairdresser's. Catching up with Caroline, who had a really quite day so I had her undivided attention, and having my highlights topped up. I always worry once all the dye has been washed out and I'm sat there in front of the mirror with wet hair, it always looks as if nothings happened, but then after having a lovely hair cut and a quick blast with the hair dryer it always looks fab. Caroline was great, my hair looks brill and and she's said that if Lower Hyde don't give me a job she'll got down there and sort them out for me!
Then Matt and I spent the rest of the day moving out of the flat. OMG I didn't realise how much stuff I have, all of Matt's things fitted into car loads. Mine took 3 and that's not including Fridays car load! So I have decided to go through everything to see what I want to keep or sell.
Sunday I sorted thought some more boxes. Spent a bit of time on the Wii Fit (managing to get advanced on the balance ball game) and then helped Dad tidy up the kitchen after part of the ceiling came down. After some lovely home made chicken soup for dinner I spent a few hours with Matt. We rented a film from Blockbuster. It was called Righteous Kill with Robert De Niro and Al Pacino it also stared John Leguizamo (Sid the Sloth out of Ice Age, Moulin Rouge and Romeo & Juliet) and 50 Cent. It was really good, much better than I thought it would be. I won't tell you what it's about as I really think you should watch it. All I'll say is it's a bit of a murder mystery.
Then after one of Dad's marvelous roast dinners, a bit more sorting and getting the top score on advanced ball balance game on the Wii Fit Mum started to teach Elena and me how to knit. She cast on for the both of us and we both started with 20 stitches, Elena lost a few but at one point I'd managed to gain 10! I've also ended up with a couple of button holes, lol!
Caught up on a few programmes after everyone had gone off to bed. I watched Rory Bremner's Who Do You Think You Are and the new 10 Years Younger with Myleene Klass, who is much nicer and kinder than the previous host.
I didn't get to sleep till about 3 o'clock last night (well this morning!) due to playing on my DS, so when my phone went at 10.30 this morning I was still asleep. I got up though had a quick a shower, then went down to the Spar shop down the Fairway to get some of the Walker's crisps.
I've already tried Chili and Chocolate, Cajun Squirrel and Duck in Hoi Sin, didn't like any of them. So I wanted to get Builders Breakfast, Fish and Chips and Onion Bhaji. The only one of those 3 they had in stock was the Onion Bhaji, I bought 2 packets and dropped one packet into Mum at work then went up to see Matt. We had the other packet, at first I thought they tasted of cheese and onion but the more we ate the more I could taste onion bhaji. So all I have to now is find somewhere else that sells them.
Matt dropped me back back off at home just before 12 o'clock. I did the ironing and a bit of tidying and then carried on sorting through my stuff.
Mum came back just gone 2 o'clock and we spent a bit of time on the Wii Fit. I've also carried on with a bit more knitting.
Well that's it for now, will go and do a bit more knitting and sorting.
I've already tried Chili and Chocolate, Cajun Squirrel and Duck in Hoi Sin, didn't like any of them. So I wanted to get Builders Breakfast, Fish and Chips and Onion Bhaji. The only one of those 3 they had in stock was the Onion Bhaji, I bought 2 packets and dropped one packet into Mum at work then went up to see Matt. We had the other packet, at first I thought they tasted of cheese and onion but the more we ate the more I could taste onion bhaji. So all I have to now is find somewhere else that sells them.
Matt dropped me back back off at home just before 12 o'clock. I did the ironing and a bit of tidying and then carried on sorting through my stuff.
Mum came back just gone 2 o'clock and we spent a bit of time on the Wii Fit. I've also carried on with a bit more knitting.
Well that's it for now, will go and do a bit more knitting and sorting.
THANK YOU so very much for everything you did for us today, you are wonderful :O) I love you loads & loads & loads. Hugs & kisses xXxXx